A visual reconciliation for tangueros and milongueros

Vals compás :
1 - (2) - (3) - 1 - (2) - (3)

vals compas
Vals compás
Vals has repeating 3 count cycles (notated by musicians within "bars")
Vals compás is the "one" beat  repeated continuously through the music
Bars typically in pairs with first of each two bars strongest
The "ones" are nearly always stepped on when dancing vals
Example: Tangueros dancing vals with consistent stepping on the compás (after a 1 min 10 sec introduction to the video)

All tango dancers should be able to adopt the compás as the default for their dance steps

"Common" one-two vals rhythm :
1 - 2 - (3) - 1 - 2 - (3)

common 1-2 vals rhythm
"Common" one-two vals rhythm
A vals rhythm sounding like two fast beats plus a pause (or a short then long beat)
The two steps have the timing as for a leader's change of feet to lead a back ocho
Example: Giro steps by Jenny Gill with Frank Obregon dancing to Canaro's "Corazón de Oro" for phrase at 2 min 47 secs

"Common" three-one vals rhythm :
1 - (2) - 3 - 1 - (2) - 3

common 3-1 vals rhythm
"Common" three-one vals rhythm
A vals rhythm with a strong "one" after a preparatory beat / step on beat "three"
Can be interpreted as a gallop (or swing music) rhythm
Example: Sebastián Achaval y Roxana Suarez dancing to phrase at 57 secs

"Common" one-two-three vals rhythm :
1 - 2 - 3 - 1 - 2 - 3

common 1-2-3 vals rhythm
"Common" one-two-three vals rhythm
A classic triple step 1-2-3 vals rhythm often danced at high speed
Rarely danced socially but often danced by maestros in demonstrations and performances
Most often danced as a series of "running" linear sacadas or parallel zigzags
Example: Sigrid Van Tilbeurgh and Murat Erdemsel dancing to Pedro Laurenz's "Paisaje" for phrase at 56 secs

"Common" duplet vals rhythm :
1 - (2)& - (3) - 1 - (2)& - (3)

common duplet vals rhythm
"Common" duplet vals rhythm
A syncopated vals rhythm with "duplets" (i.e. two even beats on "one" and "two &")
Incorporated by Canaro, Gobbi, Troilo and others in many of their valses
"Flor de Canela" by Troilo, Cardenas y Goyeneche is a classic duplets song (with a series of duplets through the first 12 secs and at many other places throughout), but there appear to be no YouTube videos of anyone dancing to the song
Example: Gianpiero Ya Galdi y Maria Filali dancing to "Tu Amargura" at 1 min 10 secs and 2 min 40 secs